“A rollicking tale, burrowing deep into the bookseller subculture of L.A. like a spelunker into a dark cave.”
Mitchell Fourchette is on a mission through the darkest recesses of Los Angeles to retrieve his priceless, Hemingway inscribed, first-edition copy of The Old Man and the Sea. He unearthed it at the bottom of a bin of castoffs at a thrift store warehouse in Anaheim, and then Helmet-Head, Martin’s moped-driving book-scout competitor and nemesis, filched it. How, after an auspicious launch at Hotchkiss and Yale, then a great job in advertising and a loving young family did Martin lose everything?
-Richard Tuggle
Writer of Escape From Alacatraz
-David Peoples
Writer of Blade Runner and Unforgiven
“Mitchell Fourchette lost his career, his dignity and his moral compass – He was humbled, but had yet to find true humility. Yes, Some Books Aren’t for Reading, but not this one – this wildly engaging and starkly revealing portrait of how a good husband goes bad is a must-read.”
-Sarah Pillsbury
Oscar winning producer of Deperately Seeking Susan
Howard Marc Chesley is an author and a graduate of the Johns Hopkins writing seminars. He has worked as a writer of film and television and his first novel, “Some Books Aren’t for Reading,” was nominated for a 2019 Booker prize.